The Upsetters is a medium-strength cigar that delivers a unique and flavorful smoking experience with citrus, floral, and pepper notes, all underscored by an irresistible sweetness. Its Sumatra wrapper envelops a Nicaraguan binder, while the filler consists of Jamaican Cow Tongue and Nicaraguan tobaccos. Handmade in Nicaragua, the Upsetters utilizes a distinctive technique called "Caribbean atmospheric herbal infusion," which enhances the tobaccos' natural flavors and aromas, creating a complex and aromatic profile. This innovative infusion process sets the Upsetters apart, offering a refreshing and flavorful smoke for those looking to try something truly unique.
- Shape:
- Small Panatela
- Origin:
- Nicaragua
- Ring Gauge:
- 40
- Size:
- Mild-Medium
- Wrapper:
- USA Connecticut Shade
- Binder:
- Nicaragua
- Filler:
- Jamaica