Omar Ortez Originals Belicoso cigars are skillfully crafted by one of Nicaragua's esteemed master blenders. While Omar Ortez may not be a household name, he remains humble, dedicating his craft to rolling these affordable cigars on his small farm. Each cigar features a blend made entirely from top-quality Cuban seed Nicaraguan tobaccos, encased in a sleek, oily dark brown wrapper. This striking Belicoso is medium to full-bodied, delivering an exceptionally smooth profile with rich flavors of earth, leather, roasted nuts, coffee, and cream.
- Shape:
- Belicoso
- Origin:
- Nicaragua
- Size:
- 6.125 x 52
- Strength:
- Medium-Full
- Wrapper:
- Nicaragua
- Binder:
- Nicaragua
- Filler:
- Nicaragua