The Monte by Montecristo is a medium-bodied cigar that delivers a rich and flavorful experience. Wrapped in a silky Ecuadorian Habano leaf, it features an aged Nicaraguan Corojo and Dominican Olor double binder, along with a Dominican filler. This combination results in a smoke with enticing notes of sweetness, leather, and black pepper.
Handmade in the Dominican Republic, the Monte by Montecristo is known for its solid construction and creamy profile, making it a fantastic choice for both seasoned aficionados and newcomers. With its well-balanced flavors and smooth draw, it’s a cigar you'll want to keep in your rotation, so consider stocking up by the box for those moments when you crave a satisfying smoke!
- Shape:
- Robusto
- Origin:
- Dominican Republic
- Size:
- 5.5 x 48
- Strength:
- Full
- Wrapper:
- Ecuadorian Habano
- Binder:
- Dominican Republic Olor
- Filler:
- Dominican Republic