Hoyo de Tradición cigars pay tribute to Hoyo de Monterrey's rich Cuban heritage and flavor profile. This blend features premium Honduran San Agustin and Dominican Piloto Cubano leaves, complemented by a savory Nicaraguan leaf from the volcanic island of Ometepe. Bound with a robust Connecticut Habano leaf, these cigars are box-pressed in a buttery Honduran Jamastran Viso Rosado wrapper. The result is a creamy, medium-bodied smoke bursting with rich, earthy, and caramelized flavors.
- Shape:
- Rothchild
- Origin:
- Honduras
- Size:
- 4.5 x 50
- Strength:
- Medium
- Wrapper:
- Honduran Viso Rosado
- Binder:
- Connecticut Habano
- Filler:
- Honduran, Dominican, Nicaraguan