Experience one of the most exquisite full-bodied cigars you’ve ever tasted. The brand “My Father” is crafted from specially selected tobacco grown on our own farms in Estelí, Nicaragua, by My Father Cigars, S.A.
Manufactured under the strictest supervision, these cigars feature the finest Habano-Rosado wrapper, ensuring an exceptional flavor. “My Father” is the highest-rated and most prestigious brand of the company, boasting an average score of 93 points, including two “94 Point” ratings in Cigar Aficionado Magazine. It has also been honored with a spot in the Top 25 Best Cigars of the Year for two consecutive years.
- Shape:
- Torpedo
- Origin:
- Nicaragua
- Size:
- 6.125 x 52
- Strength:
- Full
- Wrapper:
- Corojo Rosado
- Binder:
- Nicaragua
- Filler:
- Nicaragua