Don Pepin Garcia-Cuban Classic is the latest addition to the Trio of Don Pepin Cigars. This blend marks the first creation made at the Garcia family’s factory in Estelí, Nicaragua. Handcrafted with a butternut-brown wrapper, these cigars are filled with lush, hearty Nicaraguan tobaccos. The flavor profile is rich and robust, yet complex and refined, featuring tasting notes of wood, earth, cocoa, and mixed nuts. This medium to full-bodied cigar is elegantly wrapped in a premium “Habano-Rosado” wrapper and finished with our signature “triple-cap.”
- Shape:
- Belicoso
- Origin:
- Nicaragua
- Size:
- 5.5 x 54
- Strength:
- Medium-Full
- Wrapper:
- Habano Rosado
- Binder:
- Nicaragua
- Filler:
- Nicaragua