The Rocky Patel Decade is a balanced, full-bodied cigar celebrated for its complexity and rich flavors. Wrapped in an Ecuadorian Colorado maduro, it features a Nicaraguan binder and filler, delivering notes of cream, toffee, dried fruit, and a delightful coffee and vanilla aroma. Handmade in Nicaragua, this cigar is known for its solid construction and sharp burn. Launched to commemorate Rocky Patel's 10 years in the industry, the Decade has become a standout, earning top ratings from notable cigar publications and solidifying its place as one of his best creations.
- Shape:
- Torpedo
- Origin:
- Honduras
- Size:
- 6.5 x 52
- Strength:
- Full
- Wrapper:
- Ecuadorian
- Binder:
- Nicaragua
- Filler:
- Nicaragua