Oliva Serie G cigars are a standout in the cigar world, offering exceptional quality without the inflated price tag. Despite consistently earning high ratings, Oliva continues to produce reasonably priced cigars that don’t compromise on flavor or craftsmanship. The Serie G is a medium-bodied blend, featuring an authentic African Cameroon wrapper that delivers notes of cedar and coffee. This distinctive wrapper is beautifully complemented by the natural richness of Nicaraguan Habano fillers, creating a toasty, sweet, and creamy smoke with just a hint of spice. A well-balanced, flavorful cigar that offers excellent value.
- Shape:
- Cigarillo
- Origin:
- Nicaragua
- Size:
- 4 x 38
- Strength:
- Mild
- Wrapper:
- Nicaragua
- Binder:
- Nicaragua
- Filler:
- Nicaragua