The NUB Habano is a full-bodied cigar that delivers a rich profile of woody, spicy, and sweet flavors, finishing with a subtle nuttiness. Its Habano Colorado Maduro wrapper encases a Nicaraguan binder and filler, creating a balanced and robust smoke. Handmade in Nicaragua, the NUB line was crafted with the unique insight that a 4-inch cigar with a ring gauge between 58 and 66 offers almost immediate flavor upon lighting, yet smokes for about the same duration—around an hour—as cigars that appear twice its size. This innovative approach ensures a concentrated, satisfying experience in a shorter time.
- Shape:
- Robusto
- Origin:
- Nicaragua
- Size:
- 4 x 60
- Strength:
- Full
- Wrapper:
- Habano
- Binder:
- Nicaragua
- Filler:
- Nicaragua