This full-strength cigar boasts deep notes of chocolate, pepper, spice, earth, and sweetness, providing a robust smoking experience. Its USA Connecticut Broadleaf maduro wrapper envelops a Mexican San Andres binder, complemented by a blend of Dominican, Nicaraguan, and Honduran fillers. Handmade in Nicaragua, the Mi Querida Black delivers a palate-pleasing experience that appeals to both traditional and contemporary smokers. After rolling, each cigar is carefully placed in its own wooden coffin to protect it and preserve its unique aroma and flavor. Notably, this is the first release of the elusive unicorn vitola under the Mi Querida Black line by Steve Saka.
- Shape:
- Perfecto
- Origin:
- Nicaragua
- Size:
- 6.25 x 60
- Strength:
- Full
- Wrapper:
- USA Connecticut Broadleaf
- Binder:
- Mexican San Andres
- Filler:
- Dominican Republic