This robust cigar features a spicy profile balanced by a sweetness from the tobacco and a warm earthiness. Wrapped in Connecticut Corojo, it is complemented by a Mexican San Andres binder and a blend of Honduran, Nicaraguan, and USA Pennsylvania fillers. The Liga Privada’s H99 wrapper is crafted from a unique blend of Habano and Connecticut Corojo seeds, resulting in an exquisite, flavorful, and disease-resistant wrapper that is exclusively grown for Drew Estate. Each cigar is handcrafted at the La Gran Fabrica Drew Estate in Nicaragua.
- Shape:
- Robusto
- Origin:
- Nicaragua
- Size:
- 5 x 54
- Strength:
- Full
- Wrapper:
- USA Connecticut Corojo
- Binder:
- Mexican San Andres
- Filler:
- Honduras