The H. Upmann Vintage Cameroon is a medium-bodied cigar that showcases deep notes of earth, pepper, leather, and spice. Wrapped in a flavorful Cameroon wrapper, it features a Nicaraguan binder along with a blend of Dominican, Nicaraguan, and Peruvian fillers. After rolling, these cigars are sheathed in cedar sleeves that can double as spills for lighting. Handmade in the Dominican Republic, the Vintage Cameroon is celebrated for its complexity and excellent construction, making it a favorite among cigar enthusiasts.
- Shape:
- Petite Corona
- Origin:
- Dominican Republic
- Size:
- 5 x 40
- Strength:
- Medium
- Wrapper:
- Cameroon
- Binder:
- Nicaraguan
- Filler:
- Nicaraguan, Dominican, Peruvian