Diamond Crown stands as one of the world’s premier luxury cigar brands, known for its top-tier, meticulously crafted cigars. This 4-cigar sampler offers the chance to experience some of their finest offerings. The Diamond Crown Classic comes in both a smooth natural wrapper and a bold maduro variant, while the Julius Caesar delivers a medium-bodied experience with delightful notes of nuttiness and cedar. Completing the set is the Maximus, a robust, full-bodied cigar with a perfect balance of spice and sweetness. Each cigar in this collection is a masterpiece of complexity, sure to satisfy even the most discerning smokers.
- Shape:
- Toro
- Origin:
- Dominican Republic
- Size:
- -
- Strength:
- -
- Wrapper:
- -
- Binder:
- -
- Filler:
- -