The Davidoff Winston Churchill Late Hour Toro is a robust cigar delivering a complex blend of pepper, coffee, dried fruit, leather, and spice. Wrapped in a rich Ecuadorian Habano leaf, it features a Mexican San Andrés binder and a carefully selected Dominican and Nicaraguan filler. Handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, this cigar is distinguished by its tobaccos, aged for six months in single malt whiskey casks, infusing a subtle essence and aroma that elevates the smoking experience to a new level of sophistication.
- Shape:
- Toro
- Origin:
- Dominican Republic
- Size:
- 6 x 54
- Strength:
- Full
- Wrapper:
- Ecuadorian Habano
- Binder:
- Mexican San Andres
- Filler:
- Dominican Republic