Experience one of the world’s bestselling cigar samplers with the Ashton 5-Cigar Assortment, and discover why Ashton ranks among the top premium brands today. Crafted by legendary cigar-maker Carlito Fuente, this selection features the finest tobaccos, making it the perfect introduction to the brand’s iconic flavors and aromas. This assortment includes the 92-rated Ashton Classic, the 94-rated Cabinet Selection, the 92-rated Aged Maduro, the 95-rated Heritage, and the 94-rated VSG, each in unique shapes. With nutty, zesty, and succulent profiles, this sampler offers a wealth of nuances that both new cigar enthusiasts and seasoned connoisseurs will appreciate.
Sampler includes:
- 1 - Ashton 8-9-8 (6.5 x 44)
- 1 - Ashton Aged Maduro #40 (6 x 50)
- 1 - Ashton Cabinet Pyramid (6 x 52)
- 1 - Ashton Heritage Churchill (6.75 x 48)
- 1 - Ashton VSG Robusto (5.5 x 50)
- Shape:
- No model
- Origin:
- -
- Ring Gauge:
- -
- Strength:
- -
- Wrapper:
- -
- Binder:
- -
- Filler:
- -