Arturo Fuente Selección D'Oro Privada No. 1 cigars set a high standard with their exquisite flavor and pleasantly mild strength, making them a standout in the luxury line from the renowned Arturo Fuente Cigar Company. Handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, these cigars measure 6 ¾ inches in length with a ring gauge of 44, providing a moderately long smoke perfect for a relaxing evening. They are packaged in sets of 25 in elegant wooden boxes that preserve their unique qualities. A premium blend of fine Dominican tobaccos serves as the binder and long filler, while an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper enhances the overall flavor. This harmonious combination results in a smooth, even smoke that’s gentle on the palate.
- Shape:
- Lonsdale
- Origin:
- Dominican Republic
- Size:
- 6.75 x 44
- Strength:
- Mild
- Wrapper:
- Ecuadorian Connecticut
- Binder:
- Dominican Republic
- Filler:
- Dominican Republic