The Alfonso Gran Selección stands out primarily due to its unique and meticulous aging process. Each cigar undergoes a remarkable five years of post-rolling aging, enhancing its complexity and richness. After this initial period, the cigars are then placed in five separate cedar-lined rooms, each featuring a distinct type of cedar: Cuban, Spanish, Brazilian, Mexican, and Lebanese. This innovative approach allows the cigars to absorb the varied cedar notes, as the humidity is carefully raised and lowered to help the cigars "cleanse" themselves in the process.
In terms of the blend, the Gran Selección features a captivating mix of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos, wrapped in an exotic Peruvian binder that imparts a subtle spice. Topping off this exquisite composition is a luscious Ecuadorian wrapper. The result is a smooth, medium to full-bodied cigar that offers a rich and balanced smoking experience. Expect to encounter delightful notes of chocolate, espresso, and a hint of French oak, making it a truly luxurious addition to any humidor.
- Shape:
- Gordo
- Origin:
- Costa Rica
- Size:
- 6.5 x 60
- Strength:
- Medium-Full
- Wrapper:
- Ecuadorian Habano
- Binder:
- Peru
- Filler:
- Dominican & Nicarguan