The Alfonso line from Selected Tobacco is a remarkable tribute to the Alfonso family, who have been crafting premium hand-rolled cigars in Cuba since 1850. This line showcases the meticulous artistry and dedication that have become synonymous with Selected Tobacco, the same brand behind other prestigious lines like Atabey, Byron, and Bandolero.
The Produccion Limitada line features an exquisite blend that includes a 2-year-old Ecuadorian wrapper, a 3-year-old Ecuadorian binder, and fillers that have been aged for 3 years. Following this, the cigars undergo an additional 4 years of post-roll aging, a technique nearly exclusive to Selected Tobacco brands, ensuring a rich and refined smoking experience.
Starting with the Anejos No. 1, the Alfonso line presents a smooth, complex medium-plus-bodied cigar that captivates the palate. As the line progresses to the No. 6, the profile shifts to just shy of medium-bodied, showcasing the interplay of flavor and strength. Interestingly, the smaller vitolas tend to be more full-bodied, while the larger sizes offer a more medium-bodied experience, allowing for a diverse range of flavors and strengths within the collection.
- Shape:
- Toro
- Origin:
- Costa Rica
- Size:
- 6 x 54
- Strength:
- Medium-Full
- Wrapper:
- Ecuadorian
- Binder:
- Ecuadorian
- Filler:
- Nicaraguan & Peruvian